Who have difficulty letting things
Timati have been mocked for flaunting their wealth and messy apartments. Generational Habits When critiquing consumer cultureit is important to take into account the circumstances in which older generations lived. Amanda Moorea contributor to The Atlanticsaid the post-World War II trend to accumulate more stuff combined with the housing boom. People who survived the Great Depression and the war began to buy houses and fill them with all the things they needed for everyday life.
Their children also adopted these same habits of accumulating items. Over C Level Contact List the yearsAmericans have filled their homes with more and more stuff. A survey in 2019 found that one in 10 Americans rents additional storage space. Our house is never dirtybut never tidy. We put away old magazines for too longand our closets are full of clothes that will eventually come in handy if someone loses weight or passes a job interviewthe reporter shared.
Psychologists believe that in many casespeople go respond to anxiety ranging from financial instability to loss and dissatisfaction with their bodies. At the same timeillness is often an independent source of stress. For many middle-class Americansstorage is an attempt to hedge against financial instability. Beyond thata messy house is considered indecentnotes You shouldn't admit that everything can go wrong. The accumulation of obligatory minimalist things depends on a particular historical erawhich is characteristic not only of Americansbut also of Russians. |